Tuesday, November 14, 2006

week 10

There were a lot of upsets this week. It made for a very interesting week. Congrats to Angie Russell for having the high score (121). For those that don't know, My mother has asked if she could be in the pool. I have agreed to let her be a part and I am allowing her to take over Nick Graham's score. This will allow for her to at least stay competitive. Her main reason for wanting to be a part of the pool is because, Kirk never calls her. She misses him! Kirk, call mom and tell her you love her!

1. 90 - Kirk Perry - 1095
2. 65 - Andrew Maves - 1083
3. 101 - Caleb Lapointe - 1018
4. 56 - Aaron Perry - 1014
5. 77 - Dave Finlay - 1006
6. 60 - Peter Beckwith - 999
7. 100 - Lynnette Perry - 971
8. 84 - Graham Perry - 968
9. 86 - Rebecca Perry - 949
10. 83 - Scottie Leightin - 943
11. 66 - Paul Perry - 930
12. 0 - Kyal Simpson - 900
13. 121 - Angie Russell - 892
14. 84 - Chris Stephens - 875
15. 72 - Bobby Porter - 868
16. 60 - Mark Croswell - 855
17. 73 - Shawn Craven - 852
18. 56 - Danny Mack - 784
19. 48 - Simon MacInnis - 670
20. 0 - Dan Boyd - 591
21. 68 - Mom - 529
22. 66 - Darren Croswell - 475


Digby Wesleyan Church said...

Ahhhhhh, I feel better...it was a rough week but knowing that it seemed that way for most...I am more at ease. Each game this week left me feeling sick and sorry for myself. That is a happy place though...I usually feel better when I eat ice cream so I like it when things go baddly. It gives me an ice cream day! I love ice cream. Good luck to everyone this coming week.

graham said...

Dave tried to kill me with ice cream.

Scottie said...

i am ahead of paul for another week... the world is right again... aaahhhh...

Digby Wesleyan Church said...

mmmm....ice cream and donuts.....ahghghhghhhhh...they make me think of cookies. Cookies make me think of Mrs. Perry. I would like to welcome Mrs. Margo Perry to the pool. I was wondering if you could shed some light on the origin of the Hab jersey that has been kept locked away in the Perry closet of secrets?

Digby Wesleyan Church said...

Graham: If Dave gave you ice cream-it was an act of love. Dave would never use ice cream in any other way than love. He likes it too much. It is a miracle he even shared it. Oh, if he wanted you dead...it would be by blunt force trama or something like minded. He may celebrate with ice cream...but rarely does he share it. He loved you...you should be proud. But in the future...I can say with confidence..."NO ICE CREAM FOR YOU!"

Scottie said...

bite me paulie... i am bucking the system man... you can't ground me... that's right... i'm a bad man... you shut your face or i may fly a frickin plane into your house... did that cross the line??? maybe about as much as calling someone by the name of a terrorist leader... i am sick of this pool and the ignorant people who can't talk trash with respect... so if your goal was to get under my skin, congrats, you have suceeded... have a nice day...

Digby Wesleyan Church said...

Why can't we all just get along? Everybody....I'm sorry!

graham said...

I love everyone. Sorry Dave. I know the ice cream was from your heart. And Aaron, those donuts were great.

graham said...

I spelled your name right scottie.

Kirk said...

Uh Graham I already called mom and went and visited her this week. How are you doing? I'm sure most of you noticed the Bears won again this week. For those of you that can't read ie:Maves and Dave. The hab jersey in question was a hand me down from Tim Perry. (Paul and Aaron's Brother) If you want to know its origin you will need to talk to my Aunt.

Lynnette said...

I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. I want to here those famous words that Graham likes to say.
Did anyone notice that Scottie is a bit mad?

Lynnette said...

I agree with Maves. In the spirit of Jason McCutcheon, lets all leave a comment telling everyone one thing that we are thankful for.

Digby Wesleyan Church said...

I DID'T SAY ANYTHING MEAN...I have tried to be the voice of reason. All I have asked is for more info on the hab jersey (which belonged to Kirk when he "accepted" it by "putting it on"). Surely that does not equal my cookie rights being revoked. The potty mouths seem to be coming from the Perry clan. Not the matriarch but instead...the next generation...they are the ones accusing others of murderous ways and are name calling. I wash my hands of it...I will continue to encourage.

graham said...

I noticed Kirk

graham said...

I'm thankful for Chris Stephens

Digby Wesleyan Church said...

Did you notice Paul?

Aaron Perry said...

holy smokes, even i noticed!

aunt margo: you should not be subjected to some of maves' comments. but let me tell you: they were worse when another man was a part of these pools. so, applaud his maturing!

now, graham, do you remember that snowy night that we really wanted donuts but couldn't go get them and lynnette wonderfully walked in saying, "i brought donuts!"? that was AWESOME!!!!

Aaron Perry said...

scottie: don't let others get you down. you are the king of ball hockey goaltending. paul stinks at ball hockey....except at penalty shots. he has a technique that i don't think could ever fail.

graham said...

Aaron, DO I Remember? OF COURSE. That was awsome! I remember searching the car and couch for change. When you came in with that $1.45 from the car, that put us over the top. I LOVE Donuts! I also Love Scottie. Also, For the record, Paul has never scored on me in Ball Hockey.

Stephanie (aka Not Neves) said...

One more comment and I promise never to intrude on the football pool blog again:

Scottie, I will not be telling you I'm sorry/I love you simply because you now EXPECT it. This may or may not be intended to be funny. Choose your own adventure. And also, some people would rather be referred to as Sadaam Hussein than Martha Stewart.

Lynnette said...

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday Dear Graham, Happy Brithday to You!

By the way, after what I heard last night, I believe that it is Rebecca who is now in the process of killing Graham with a Black Forrest Cake!!

graham said...

Chris, that was my little secret.

graham said...

I will be eating my favorite cake in the world tonight. "BLACK FOREST CAKE" My wife is making it for me. If I die, I will die with cake in my mouth. A great way to go! Thanks for the Email Paul. I SCREAMED when I saw it. Happy late Birthday to you.

I think everyone who has a Birthday this week, should get 50 bonus points? What does everyone think?

graham said...

In honour of Andrew, we need 8 votes. So far, we have 2.

Lynnette said...

I vote no to the 50 point bonus as well. I am sorry Paul for missing your birthday. I am not sure why this is the first year in 31? or 32? years that I am being remprimanded on the missing part, but since your family,

"Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Paul, Happy birthday to you!!"

Oh and by the way, I have been feeling bad about how we made someone so mad that they quit commenting on this pool, so I am now volunteering to be the new guiny pig of snide remards. I can be the new glen (bin laden, hussein, Hitler, whoever you want). So go!! Start now!!